Friday, November 19, 2010

What is autorun(.inf)


Autorun.inf is the primary instruction file associated with the Autorun function. Autorun.inf itself is a simple text-based configuration file that tells the operating system which executable to start, which icon to use, and which additional menu commands to make available. In other words, autorun.inf tells Windows how to deal open the presentation and treat the contents of the CD.

The entire sequence is initiated when the "disk change notifcation" polling discovers a new disk in the CD or DVD ROM drive. Then, if the "Auto insert notification" feature is enabled (it is by default), Windows checks in the new disk's root directory for the existence of an "autorun.inf" file. If found, Windows then reads and follows the specific instructions this file defines. If no autorun.inf file is found, then Windows refers to the new disk by its serial number and executes the default actions associated with the (data or audio) content on the disk

The Autorun.inf file defines the following:
Autorun.inf Defines the following: The process or application that will automatically run when a disk is inserted
Automatically run when CD is inserted Optionally, one can define the process or application that will run for specific Operating environments.
Icon Representing CD or DVD The icon that will represent your application's CD or DVD when the drive is viewed with My Computer or Explorer.
Menu Commands when CD-ROM is clicked Menu commands displayed when the user right-clicks the CD-ROM icon from My Computer or Explorer

A simple Autorun.inf example:
so in this way it may be used to call malicious file too, so beware

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