Friday, November 19, 2010

32-bit Vs 64-bit

Which Is The Right Choice?

What Is 64-bit?
64-bit refers to the number of bits (the smallest unit of information on a PC) that can be processed or transmitted in parallel, or used as single element in a data format. The term is often applied to the following in a PC.
1. Microprocessor:
Indicates the width of the registers which are special high-speed storage areas within the CPU. A 64-bit microprocessor can process data that is represented by a minimum of 64 bits.
2. Operating system:
Refers to the minimum number of bits used to represent memory addresses.

Which Is The Right Choice?
Normally, the Operating system (OS) we are using in a PC is 32-bit version of Windows 7, XP, Vista, Linux or Mac. 64-bit OS gives multitasking ability (running many programs at the same time) with higher speed. Those users who fulfill at least the first 2 of the following criteria, can go for 64-bit version of their Operating system.
1. Those who own more than one PC!!
Always use 32-bit version of OS in your main PC. This is because most of the programs developed for 32-bit OS, won't work with 64-bit OS. Naturally if you have a second PC, you can try 64-bit OS in that.
2. 64-bit Compatible Hardware:
The PC on which you want to install 64-bit OS, should have a CPU capable of handling 64-bit data and a high capacity RAM (minimum 2 GB).
3. Crazy Gamers!!
If you are a great lover of PC games, 64-bit OS will give you a big time with large games specially created for 64-bit.

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