Wednesday, December 12, 2012

21 Keyboard Shortcuts For Using iTunes 11

I came across some very useful keyboard shortcuts which we can apple for different command while using the iTunes 11. Using keyboard shortcuts is very useful and some time it is really needed when you can not access the mouse again and again due to some physical activity like eating, drinking or listening a call etc.
Below I have given 21 commands or activities which a user can do by using the combination of keyboard shortcuts in iTunes 11. If you start using these shortcuts after some time these will become your habit and you will feel more comfortable while using iTunes.
iTunes 11 Keyboard Shortcut
  • Spacebar: Plays or stops the currently playing song
  • Option+Return: Adds current song to the “Up Next” list
  • Command+: Stops the current action
  • Command+Right Arrow: Skips to the next song
  • Command+Left Arrow: Goes back to the previous song
  • Command+Up Arrow: Increases the volume
  • Command+Down Arrow: Decreases the volume
  • Command+Option+S: Show/Hide the Sidebar
  • Command+/: Show/Hide Sidebar
  • Command+Option+3: Show/Hide Mini Player
  • Command+Option+M: Toggle the iTunes window into the Mini Player
  • Command+Option+2: Show the Equalizer
  • Command+Option+U: Show “Up Next”
  • Command+1: See Music Library
  • Command+2: See Movie Library
  • Command+3: Go to TV Shows Library
  • Command+4: Go to Podcasts
  • Command+5: Go to iTunes U
  • Command+6: Jumps to Books Library
  • Command+7: Go to Apps
  • Command+Shift+H: Go to home screen of iTunes Store.
If you know some more tricks or shortcuts let us know in the comments area so that we can update this page.

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