Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Xperia P gains ICS between 19th & 25th of this month

The Android Ice Cream Sandwich operating system has been out for quite a while now, yet many Android devices are still playing along with Android 2.3 Gingerbread; however, when it comes to the Sony Xperia P smartphone, the wait for the ICS update looks to be nearing an end, as word is the device will gain Ice CreamSandwich in a few weeks time.

According to an article over on Phone ArenaSamsung Mobile used their official Facebook page to deliver the news that owners of the Sony Xperia P will start being updated to Android Ice Cream Sandwich between the 19th and 25th of this month.
Something which the Phone Arena guys suggest could also mean that as both the Sony Xperia Sola and Sony Xperia Uaren’t all that different from the Xperia P one could assume both those smartphones will also gain the Android4.0 update sooner rather than later.

Thus if you happen to own the Sony Xperia P you at least now know that ICS should be hitting your smartphone in the coming weeks, possibly kicking off as of the 19th of August.

So with this in mind, you can either keep your eyes open for a notification during that period, or of course if you are that eager you can always check manually for the update.

Naturally one has to say that if you don’t see Android Ice Cream Sandwich hitting your device immediately on the 19th, be patient because as with most software roll outs it does take time to get it to everyone as it will probably be rolled out in batches.

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