Thursday, December 15, 2011

BlackBerry 10 announced at DevCon Asia in Singapore

Today at BlackBerry DevCon Asia in Singapore , RIM announced it’s next major platform version-BlackBerry 10 . RIM is calling it the single , converged , next-generation BlackBerry platform. We guess its just BBX in it’s consumer / marketing form. BlackBerry 10 will be the next major BlackBerry OS update after BlackBerry 7. RIM had literally flooded the market with an army of BlackBerry 7 devices and next year we can expect BlackBerry 10 devices. More on this soon. The real reason behind the change from BBX to BlackBerry is due to a ruling by a US  District Judge which prevents RIM from using the BBX brand at the conference.
BlackBerry 10 is essentially BBX. BBX certainly sounded better than BlackBerry 10 but RIM is facing legal issues for the same and might be forced to adopt the BlackBerry 10 branding.

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