Friday, November 19, 2010

Does Steve Jobs Prefer BlackBerry to Apple iPhone?

Hmm, so we all know that Steve Jobs is the king of Apple and their iOSgear, but perhaps Mr. Jobs may prefer using a BlackBerry smartphone to the Apple iPhone, well it seems that way if this birthday email turns out to be real.
According to Sebastien over on the iPhone Download Blog, yesterday was his 30th birthday and thought it would be a nice idea to get the iPhone guru himself to send him birthday wishes, so Sebastien sent Mr. Jobs an email asking if the Apple CEO would mind wishing him a happy birthday.
All sees feasible, but Sebastien didn’t expect Steve Jobs to respond, but apparently received a reply from Steve Jobs in his usual short and direct manner saying “Happy Birthday”.
However when you take a look at the email there is something definitely wrong as the emails says “Sent from my BlackBerry Pearl.” So either someone is playing a birthday trick on Sebastien or could Mr. Jobs have possible jumped ship? I doubt it, sorry Sebastien but it is more than likely a fake, although Steve could be a BlackBerry fan.

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