Nokia has launched the Nokia Lumia 610 in India as they announced last month. It was introduced at MWC 2012 as an affordable Windows Phone. It runs on Windows Phone 7.5 (Tango) and has 3.7-inch LCD Display and is powered by 800 MHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S1 processor. It has metallic design and comes with Nokia Music DRM-free music service with 45 lakh + songs and Mix Radio.
It comes with Nokia Maps and the navigation is available with Hindi and Tamil language support. It has5MP camera with LED flash, 256MB RAM, 8GB internal memory, FM Radio and 1300mAh battery. It comes in 4 colors, Magenta, White Cyan and Black colors.
The Nokia Lumia 610 is priced at Rs. 12,999 and would go on Sale in India from tomorrow.