Samsung has launched the Galaxy S Duos and the Galaxy Y Duos Lite, Dual SIM phones in India. TheGalaxy S Duos was announced last month and the Galaxy Y Duos Lite would launch in some European countries as Galaxy Pocket Duos. The Galaxy S Duos comes with a 4.0-inch WVGA (480×800) capacitive touch screen display, 1 GHz processor. It runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). The Galaxy Y Duos Lite comes with similar features as the Galaxy Pocket, other than the Dual SIM (GSM + GSM) support. It has a 2.8-inch (240 x 320 pixels) capacitive touch screen display and runs on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). It is powered by a 832MHz processor and has a 2MP fixed focus camera at the back.
Both these phones have Dual SIM ‘Always On’ feature similar to the Galaxy Ace Duos, that automatically forwards calls from the phone number on SIM 2, even if a user is on a call with SIM 1’s number.