Sony has announced Xperia Sola, their new smartphone in the Xperia series. It has 3.7-inch Reality Display and is powered by 1GHz Dual Core Processor. It runs on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) , upgrade to Android 4.0 during summer 2012. It has innovative floating touch navigation technology and is NFC enabled equipped with Xperia SmartTags, allowing consumers to change their smartphone’s settings and applications instantly.
Sony Xperia Sola Specifications
- 3.7-inch (854 x 480 pixels) Reality Display with Mobile BRAVIA Engine
- 9.9 mm thick and weighs 107 grams
- 1 GHz STE U8500 dual-core processor
- Android 2.3 (Gingerbread), upgradeable to Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
- 5MP autofocus camera with flash and 720p HD video recording
- 3G, Wi-Fi, DLNA, Bluetooth, NFC, aGPS
- FM radio with RDS, 3.5 mm audio jack
- 8 GB internal storage (up to 5 GB user-accessible memory), microSD card support up to 32GB
- 1320 mAh battery
The Sony Xperia Sola would come in Red, white, and black colors and would come to Italy and China as Xperia Sole and Xperia MT27i, respectively. It will be available globally in Q2 2012. The price has not been announced yet.