Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman is now available for pre-order in India from online retailer Flipkart. Theyannounced the phone in August. It is powered by a 1 GHz Qualcomm Scorpion processor with Adreno 205 GPU and runs on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). It has 3.2-inch (320 x 480 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display and boasts 5MP Autofocus camera with 720p video recording and a font facing VGA camera for video calling. It is 14.2 mm thick and weighs 115g.
The connectivity features include, 3G, Wi-Fi with DLNA support, Bluetooth with A2DP and aGPS. It also has the Track ID music recognition and xLoud Loudness Enhancement Engine for better audio output and Facebook inside Xperia version 2.
It has FM Radio with RDS, 3.5mm audio jack, 512MB RAM, 320MB internal memory that is expandable up to 32GB with MicroSD and a 1200 mAh battery.
The Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman is now available for pre-order from Flipkart for Rs. 14,550. It is expected to be available within this month.