Friday, November 19, 2010

Create ideal passwords

How to make easily recalled but difficult to guess passwords:

intelligent password management:

1.) Pick something you will always remember, let’s say "Mecho123". 
2.)Pick a site specific pattern that is easy to remember. Let’s say the first 4 letters of the site name. Now let’s say the website you are visiting is facebook.com. So your password there will be "Mecho123face". Your password at twitter.com would be "Mecho123twit". In other words, you want to use an algorithm. That's the idea, but let's make sure we're more creative in the actual password creation...

3.) Make your ALGORITHM unique, not your password. You can make it as complex as you want, but it won’t take too much to make unique and easily remembered passes. 

For example, maybe your algorithm would be 'twenty23' + the second through fifth letters in the website's name + my daughter's birthday (in this case my password on Mechodownload might be “twenty23echo101296".(FYI, that's not her birthday....)

A very good but simple to recall algorithm will have 3 easily created and recalled parts:
1.) A fixed part, comprised of at least 1 letter 1 number. If you can include a non-alphanumeric symbol, that’s even better. Again, for example "Mecho12" or "Mecho12@" 
2.)A site specific variable. A portion of the site name, for example. Example: the 2nd through 5th letter of the site name.

3.)And, for added complexity, an X factor. Using the same password example, my X factor could be the birthday used, so on Facebook my password might include 101296 –OR- it might include 031898 (one or the other of my 2 cellphones model number).If I try one and it doesn't work, then I know that it's the other.
The point is: having one password across all websites is a vulnerability, and having simple passwords is a vulnerability. So instead, don't remember a password, remember an ALGORITHM that you can use to recreate your password for any site on the fly.

Any thoughts or ideas for improvement? Hope this helps

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