Thursday, January 3, 2013

Do Not Disturb Issue Is Going To Be Resolved On 7th January

A recent story related to Apple has highlighted a bug in iPhone. Due to this, Apple has brought in its notice the time-related bug that caused Do Not Disturb feature on New Year’s Day to disable itself even though it was not scheduled to be. The iPhone maker has stated in a support document that this time-related bug will fix itself automatically by coming Monday which would be 7 January, 2013. However, the company did not announce anything related to fixing this bug for once and all – surely none of us would want to miss their alerts on the next New Year Day.

In the above mentioned document it was said that the bug will fix itself thus normal functionality will resume after 7 January, 2013. However before the said date, feature can be turned off and on manually. It further added that the mode of Do Not Disturb would stay scheduled to old time hence it will not create any problem in future.

DND bug will repair itself

Initially, it was said to be only a one day bug or issue but later it has been reported by many that it continued to happen today. Well if you do not know whether you are facing this problem or not then follow these steps in order to find out. First, turn off the scheduling feature and then return to the main page. If Do Not Disturb still enables the settings automatically then that means you device is facing a time-related bug.
Now to disable it, simply go in Settings, from there to Notifications and then find Do Not disturb in the list to turn off its schedules.
However, one thing that has certainly affected Apple’s reputation is not fixing the issue. They should have made their users free of this bug but right now we can do nothing but to wait till next Monday to see if this bug fixes itself automatically. Let us see where this leads us.

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