At the Apple event on Wednesday we not only saw the unveiling of the iPhone 5 but we also heard much more about iOS 6, the updated operating system that will see a public release in a few days time. iOS 6 will bring many changes and big improvements and we’ve also been bringing you lots of news regarding new features. Now we have heard of another change as Apple is replacing its UDID (Unique Device Identifier) system in iO6 and we have some further clarification from Apple on that.
Earlier on in the year Apple took some flak for the UDID system when it was discovered that some developers were not handling information responsibly. This criticism intensified when over a million Apple devices had their ID’s published by hackers. Following that, Apple announced that the current UDID system would be changed and that its replacement would now ban the use of data. Hence the new iOS 6 introduces Advertising Identifier.
The new feature is found in the Settings app as reported by 9to5Mac and is described as a “non-permanent, non-personal, device identifier, that advertising networks will use to give you more control over advertisers’ ability to use tracking methods.” Users will be able to limit ad tracking if they prefer and if they do so then Advertising Identifier won’t gather any further information that can be used for targeted advertising. For all advertising networks it will be necessary to use Advertising Identifier in the future but in the transition period the user may still find they are served some targeted ads from other networks.
We don’t yet know exactly when Apple intends to begin making advertising networks use Advertising Identifier and it’s not clear whether this new system, aimed at advertisers, will also be able to be accessed by developers. When Advertising Identifier does come into effect though, this does seem like a much more secure system that should reassure iOS 6 users after the recent misuses of information.
We’d like to hear your thoughts on the new Advertising Identifier in iOS 6? Are you pleased to see the UDID system being replaced? Let us know with your comments.
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