Sunday, September 30, 2012

How To Set iPhone Alarm Music Of Your Choice?

This has been the desire of many iphone, ipod and ipad users to set the iphone alarm music in the clock app. When you set the alarm in iphone or ipad or ipod you are given choice for Sound where there are many pre-loaded sounds from which you can select one. Thanks to Apple for releasing iOS 6 with 200 new features which we are still exploring and one of them is the availability of a new feature in iphone alarm settings. Now you can select any music from your iphone as an alarm.
There are many jailbreak apps and other apps available to set different ways for alarm tone and music but this is the built in app in the iOS 6.
So if you want to set music song as an alarm on your iphone, ipod or ipad you need to upgrade to iOS 6 first so that you can get benefit of this new updated clock app.
Here are the simple steps to set a music track song as alarm in iOS6:
1. Open Clock application = > Alarms => Tap the + sign to add a new Alarm.
iphone alarm music
2. Tap Sounds => Pick a song 
Now you will be given the complete list of your music tracks on your device, select any of your choice and enjoy the perfect music when you wake up in the morning.

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