Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How to Cascade Windows in Windows 7

You used to right click an application in the tray and cascade all the open windows in an application. Very useful if you’re like me and end up with 20 or so messages open and want to move through them quickly. Along came Windows 7 and …whaaaattt??? No cascade??? Seriously???
What you’ve been seeing are these cute little thumbnails you can click on:
Hovering over the Outlook icon brings up a thumbnail view of every open window
 Those are great fun until you have to start panning across the screen to about the 5th window. 30 open messages=zero fun.
Enter Shift + Ctrl + Right Click. Shift + Ctrl + Right Click on the program icon (in this case, Outlook) and you’ll see a window with the old options:
You can still cascade, stack, show windows side by side, minimize, restore or close all windows
Say yea.

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