Sunday, June 12, 2011

Apple iMessage Rival Coming For Android?

As most will know Apple unveiled their new iMessage in iOS 5 at WWDC 2011, and well as Apple practically stole Android notifications, it’s only fair that Android steal iMessage, right? Apparently the rumour doing the rounds is Google is also working on their own BlackBerry Messenger, iMessage type rival.
According to the guys over at Slash Gear, sources have informed the Wall Street Journal that sources of the unnamed variety have said that the Android platform maker Google “has also recently worked on a messaging application.”
Other than that though there are no further details on what the new messaging application would look like or when Android users would be likely to see it.
As far as I see it, if Android comes up with a messaging service that cuts out the need to SMS or MMS it’s obviously good for the user as long as they keep it free like Apple’s iMessage. However on the down side, carriers are not going to be too happy if every user switches from SMS and MMS to free messaging as this will undoubtedly cost the carrier lost messaging revenue.
Still as they say, all’s fair in the mobile world, and as Apple nicked Android notifications, Apple can’t say much about Android doing the same with messaging can they, although as Android users have access to Gmail and Gtalk I’m not too sure what another messenger could offer. More on this as and when we hear.

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