IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique number that distinguishes one device from another on the Internet. In layman's terms, it is the same as your house number. An IP address serves two principal functions; identification and location addressing. This enables one to communicate with other computers all over the world.
There are two versions of Internet Protocol.
IP version 4: Currently used by most of the network providers. However, with more and more computers accessing the internet, IPv4 addresses are running out quickly because they are limited to approximately four billion only (256 to the fourth power).
IP version 6: The replacement for IPv4 has a vast range of IP addresses, inexhaustible for all practical purposes. The estimated number of unique addresses in IPv6 is trillions of trillions!!
In IPv4, an IP address is made up of four numbers, each between 0 and 255. The general information is conveyed by the first number, and the specific identification of a computer within a network is usually made by the last number. The IP address is usually reserved for the default network and the address is used for broadcasts.
IP addresses can be permanent or temporary.
Dynamic IP Address: When a home PC dials the Internet service provider (ISP) through modem/ router, an IP address is temporarily assigned from a pool of available addresses for the duration of the call. This IP address is not static and could change the next time.
Static IP Address: An IP address that is fixed and never changes. A single or a block of static IPs can be obtained for a few extra bucks a month from most ISPs (usually meant for Email/ Website servers).
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